As Team Arrow navigated through the TV version of Crisis on Infinite Earths, they visited several alternates of our own Big Blue Marble. In that time, heroes were found, lost, found again in new costumes, and lost as they became vapid teenage versions of themselves. In addition, they also ended up on Earths that ranged from pretty neat to just okay.
And the viewing public was grateful for that. For if they visited the list of Earths below, the seasons of Flash, Supergirl, Arrow, etc. may have had abrupt endings. Same goes for the heroes who arrived in these different environments. To make our point, here are 10 alternate Earths we're glad Team Arrow never went to.
10 Earth-51 (Kamandi Universe)
Kamandi is the last boy on an Earth devastated by a nuclear holocaust. Or by climate change. Or by Star Wars fans who got into a militaristic battle about The Last Jedi. The reason for the decimation changes decade to decade.
Regardless, the Earth Kamandi populates is one of intelligent animals, a superhero named BIOMAC (OMAC to older fans) -- and a whole lot of jungle. It's like Planet of the Apes, minus Charleston Heston. Why are we glad Team Arrow didn't visit? Because they would have given up right there if they knew this was the future of their own Earths.
9 Earth-10 (Nazi Universe)
A dreary alternate Earth where Nazi's took over the entire planet in World War II. This was thanks to Kal-el's rocket veering into the Sudetenland instead of good ol' Smallville. Rather than raised to be an upstanding citizen by loving parents. the hero that was to become Overman was raised by the Nazi Empire. Not the nicest bunch of people to start with.
Team Arrow wouldn't want to spend 10 seconds on Earth-10. As soon as the planet's officials heard them speak a word of that harsh English language, they would suspect them as freedom fighters and take them hostage. To torture them, the heroes would be subjected to repeated performances of Wagner's five-hour Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg without any bathroom breaks. The sadists.
8 Earth-50 (Justice Lords Universe)
Team Arrow wouldn't have noticed the differences on this Earth at first. Then they would've seen Batman in a white outfit and threw a fit. Not because of what he had become, but because he wore white after Labor Day.
Soon enough, they would've realized this version of Earth was run by a totalitarian group of heroes known as the Justice Lords. Well, totalitarian and egotistical, because who names themselves lords in the first place? Once the shock wore off, Team Arrow would have probably spent most of their time defeating these doppelgangers and restoring equilibrium to the world. By that time, the Anti-Monitor would have destroyed the universe. So, moot point.
7 Earth-2 (New 52 Version)
This is not the bright and happy version introduced in issue 123 of The Flash. This is the unfortunate New 52 version. One where Darkseid and his minions invaded twice and destroyed the planet in the process.
Team Arrow would have been promptly killed off by Darkseid's parademons. Probably right after that Earth's original Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman were destroyed. Or, right around the time Earth-2 exploded. Or, when one of the spacecraft carrying remnants of Earth's population crashed on an alien planet. Or ... face it, they would've been dead.
6 Earth-43 (Blood League Universe)
Vampires are not cool. They aren't handsome or pretty. They don't tell people they love them before taking their blood. They're pale monsters whose sole purpose is to make other people miserable until they become vampires themselves.
The Batman of this world learned this the hard way when he became a vampire. Though he was thought gone for good after being exposed to direct sunlight, he got much better. Next, he infected a bunch of other superheroes and put them together to form the Blood League. The only way Team Arrow could remain on this Earth without becoming one of the undead is if they arrived with crosses and wooden stakes. Oh, and if they had Buffy with them.
5 Earth-7 (Retaliators Universe)
There's good news and bad news about Earth-7. The bad news is it was completely destroyed by the otherworldly beings known as The Gentry. The only hero left is an Aussie god-like being known as Thunderer. Gosh, he seems familiar for some reason.
Therefore, we're glad Team Arrow didn't pop onto this Earth, as they would've been eliminated within seconds. The good news for all involved is Earth-7 is a duplicate of nearby Earth-8. Unfortunately, that Earth features the ultra-violent Extremists whose goal is to destroy that planet's superhero group, the Retaliators and rule the world. So, not only would Team Arrow need to get involved in the battle, they'd all do it with the strangest feeling of deja vu. Like they'd seen these heroes on another Earth with a 616 area code.
4 Earth-45 (Superdoomsday Universe)
If Team Arrow landed on this Earth, they would've encountered a man-made being with the powers of both Superman and Doomsday. Most likely, instead of being welcomed with open arms on this planet, most of the team would have been reduced to latex-based paste.
Don't believe that Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen created this thought-powered being? Well, they had good intentions, like all mad scientists do. Unfortunately, the end result was a creature that killed the Superman of a nearby Earth. Then, he left toilet seats up on the other variations of Earth. Plus, he picked all of the peanut butter cups from their trail mixes.
3 Earth-1972 (Scooby-Doo Universe)
Look, we have nothing against the Scooby gang. They are highly skilled at solving complex mysteries. In addition, the Mystery Machine is a neat piece of automotive technology. It's simply, well, they don't treat their superhero partners well.
For example, when they met up the first time with Batman and Robin, shown in the documentary The New Scooby-Doo Movies, they constantly wanted to be saved by the Dynamic Duo. And, when not doing superhero stuff, the two stood around with their fists glued to their hips. This would be insulting to Team Arrow. In addition, with everyone's fists glued to their hips, someone was bound to be pushed to the edge of something. That, or constantly get an elbow in the ribs.
2 Earth-30 (Red Son Universe)
There must be some gravity issues on alternate Earths. If not, then the navigation controls on Kal-El's rocket must be out of whack, because many of them don't land where they're supposed to. On Earth-30, Kal's rocket lands in the Soviet Union. Once grown, he becomes the savior of the communist world. Bread lines for everyone!
It's not certain what Team Arrow would do if they landed on this alternate Earth. Seeing Luthor was the U.S. President, they would've taken him down without knowing about his tremendous popularity. In turn, they would've been embarrassed, had to apologize, and ordered to take down Superman. In other words, they would've had short lives.
1 Earth -x (Dark Multiverse)
No, nein, nyet, nuh-uh. We're extremely happy Team Arrow didn't visit any of the Dark Multiverse Earths. Those places are nastier than a frat house after a kegger. They're simply disturbing, just like the bathrooms of a frat house after a kegger.
These Earths have lost all hope thanks to the machinations of their current and former heroes. It doesn't matter if it's the Batman Who Laughs or the Blue Beetle Who Kills Max Lord, the redeeming value of these Earths is well into the negative. It would be better if Team Arrow landed on the Blood League's Earth. At least they would live forever as vampires. Of course, they'd have to kill Buffy, and Angel would protect her, and ... oh, never mind.