For decades, anime has been changing and evolving as it has grown into a worldwide sensation. Anime has spread its roots into nearly every different category, from highschool comedies to intergalactic mech battles. The medium has earned every bit of its fandom by not shying away from bold and unique storytelling combined with captivating animation.
One of the most essential features of every fan-favorite anime is an epic battle that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. Stunning battle scenes have been an iconic part of the anime genre for decades. When two characters clash, it has the power to leave viewers speechless and even change the genre itself.
10 Saitama vs. Boros (One-Punch Man)
As one of the more recent entries on this list, One-Punch Man has already made its mark on anime history by combining a hilarious premise with moving character development. As the title may imply, Saitama can defeat any enemy he encounters with a single punch. Because of his incredible power, he quickly becomes bored with the battles he gets involved in.
When Saitama battles Boros at the end of season one, he finally meets an enemy that challenges him to push himself further than he ever has. The result is an epic battle that travels all the way to the moon and back, earning its place amongst the most legendary battles that push the genre forward.
9 Zuko vs. Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Avatar: The Last Airbender told a sprawling tale within a rich world with intense elemental fight scenes. Within the genre, it is hard to find a more compelling story arc than the journey of Zuko across the series. The character of Zuko begins as a fearsome villain who has no other motive than to catch the protagonist.
Nearing the end of the series, Zuko's complete transformation climaxes as he goes head to head with his even more powerful younger sister. The two most powerful fire benders clash in an emotional battle that is set to a beautiful original score. The fight between siblings had been building across the entire series, and it certainly exceeded fans' expectations.
8 Gohan vs. Cell (Dragon Ball Z)
Packed full of iconic battles, Dragon Ball Z has shaped the genre more than once. While several battles could potentially make the list, Gohan vs. Cell highlights the best aspects of the series. The battle is full of fast-paced action, and powerful Super Saiyan blasts that have defined the show.
The battle displays the relationship between Goku and Gohan. Dragon Ball Z has some of the most powerful characters in any anime, and the battles reflect that power with high amounts of energy and nonstop action. The battle between Gohan and Cell is an excellent example of two powerful characters battling it out, and the emotional bond between father and son, making it one of the most iconic battles in anime history.
7 Madara vs. Shinobi Alliance (Naruto)
This battle stands out as an important example of how villains can be built up to be incredibly intimidating while also developing the protagonists along the way. Within Naruto, Madara single-handedly takes on the entire Shinobi alliance. While in other series they may show a villain wiping out an entire army, this battle shapes the genre by showing Madara's incredible skill and power while also showing the protagonists working together to make the battle close.
The battle is tense, expertly stylized, and serves to show the power of both the villain and the heroes at the same time.
6 Spike Spiegel vs. Vicious (Cowboy Bebop)
Cowboy Bebop is a futuristic story about a group of characters ultimately trying to escape their past. The battle between Spike and Vicious highlights what the show is all about, as Spike has been running away from the past the entire time and must now face it head-on.
The two characters clash using swords and pistols, making a memorable moment for fans. The fight is important because it is two characters that use to work with one another, and for Spike, it is all about confronting the decisions he had made in the past. The battle was inevitable, and certainly delivered a classic moment for anime fans.
5 Kiritsugu vs. Kirei (Fate/Zero)
This battle is iconic because it is just about two characters clashing with nothing in the way. Within the series, many characters have supernatural abilities that they use to battle. However, this final battle between two main characters takes place in an empty concrete room with swords and guns, no added abilities interfere. The result is an action-packed scene that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats.
The animation is excellent, and the fact that the fight takes place in an empty room really increases the tension because there is nothing else for the viewer to focus on besides the duel.
4 Akira vs. Ryo (Devilman Crybaby)
As another modern addition to the anime genre, this series takes some bold swings in original storytelling. This battle earns a place on the list of genre shaping fight scenes because of the emotional weight between the characters, and the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
Akira and Ryo lived as friends, but, as their ideologies change, their paths lead them to an inevitable fight. The two characts clash in an epic duel while their opposing armies fight each other. The two characters attack each other with their full strength, colliding in a momentous and devastating duel. The battle is both memorable and heavy, adding something new to modern anime.
3 Kenshin vs. Saito (Rurouni Kenshin)
This battle earns its place amongst iconic anime fights because of how grounded and real the combat is. Up until this battle, Kenshin is a relatively lighthearted protagonist. When he is forced to confront his past, he finally must take the fight seriously, and, as a result, the battle is brutal and grounded. Throughout the battle, it is clear that the hero is fighting an internal battle as well. The scene is expertly choreographed with a compelling score and stunning visuals.
2 Dai-Gurren vs. Anti-Spiral (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
In terms of shaping a genre from a single battle, this fight scene absolutely pushes the boundaries of anime to an all-new level. This battle features two teams fighting with galaxy-sized mechs, hurling planets at one another. The sheer size of this fight is unmatched, and really takes the mech category of anime to an ultimate level.
Mechs battling in space is one thing, but taking it to a cosmic level is bold and unique. The two teams clash with blasts that are powerful enough to rupture galaxies. The animation is incredible, and with the ridiculous scale of the battle, this clash between mechs is truly genre-pushing.
1 Naruto vs. Sasuke (Naruto: Shippuden)
Naruto built up the clash between these two characters for over seven years, creating expectations that would be difficult to meet. However, the final battle between these two long rivals blows expectations away with a stunning conclusion to the conflict.
Both Naruto and Sasuke bring everything they have, nearly perfectly matched, and clash in an all-out brawl. The show delivers both larger than life parts of the fight while also keeping a grounded realistic aspect to the combat. The two characters meet in what will surely be regarded as one of the most iconic battles in anime history.