The Boys is coming to Amazon in 2020, although the exact date is currently unknown. Lucky for us, the teaser trailer was released a few days ago, giving us the briefest glimpse into what will happen—and although it's given us a few bits of footage, it's left us with a lot of questions. There are some places we would absolutely love season two to go, and some we hope it doesn't. Even the comic readers can't offer much insight on this one, since it's already deviated so far from the original source, but we can make our best guess. And pray to the writers!
10 Do Want: Hughie & Starlight To Be Together
Hughie and Starlight had a very "will they, won't they?" vibe in season one. They were clearly attracted to each other, but there was the element of Hughie lying to Starlight and using her to get close to the Seven (as well as his dead girlfriend plaguing the back of his mind, and the fact that the supes all hated Hughie and the rest of the Boys). They would go on dates and then something would ruin it, but by the end of the season, Starlight seemed firmly team Hughie—citing herself to be a "f***ing superhero" for helping him.
The season two trailer has showed her back in her Vought-provided costume for the Seven doing press, so she's obviously not been caught—at least, not outright. But hopefully it's a front and she and Hughie have come to terms with their obvious deep feelings for each other and are doing something about them?
9 Don't Want: Starlight To Be Bullied Into Submission By The Seven
Speaking of Starlight being back with the Seven, we're hoping she's wearing that costume just to blend in with them. It was something she was obviously uncomfortable when initially presented with (saying she didn't want to show so much of her body), but if she wants to get back on their good side, we suppose she has to play the part. We hope this is Starlight showing up to be the best double agent ever, rather than giving in and accepting her so-called place in the Seven.
8 Do Want: Billy To Find Out Exactly What Happened To Becca
Billy Butcher had two theories about what happened to his wife when she was assaulted by Homelander—she committed suicide or he murdered her. Either way, he was pretty sure she was dead.
The end of the season revealed this was not so, and she was living seemingly comfortably while raising the son she and Homelander had together. Oh, the questions we have—but no one wants to know what actually happened here as bad as Billy does, we're sure.
7 Don't Want: The Deep To Refuse To Change His Ways
The Deep did not start out on a good note for the audience. He assaulted Starlight and then spiralled into depression throughout the season (though this didn't make most of us feel sorry for him). Although Starlight has seemingly risen from this and is getting her revenge, we don't need to see this happen to other women, or the Deep not to learn from the mistakes Starlight is making him pay for.
6 Do Want: Homelander To Have An Influence On His Son (Or The Other Way Around)
Although it's probably terrible to hope Homelander has a relationship with his son, we'd be really fascinated to see that develop. Either that boy is going to be raised into a supervillain (which would be terrible for him, but an awesome origin story plot for a way-future character), or he's going to bring out some of Homelander's human side.
Either way, we think this would be a pretty awesome thing to watch develop, and we hope there are plenty of scenes with Homelander and his son.
5 Don't Want: A-Train To Make A Comeback
In the trailer, we can see A-Train in hospital after his heart attack. He's been beaten down and gotten back up, but his time in the Seven feels kind of... done. He could still be an awesome character in the series (maybe there's even a twist and he helps the Boys!), but it's become obvious that without the use of Compound V and help from others, he's not a super valuable member of the team. Can we let this one go, or find an interesting plot point to keep him around?
4 Do Want: Billy & Starlight To Both Get Their Revenge On Homelander
Homelander is way more powerful than Starlight and Billy, sadly—but both deserve their revenge on him. Billy, for what happened to Becca. Starlight, for all the Seven has done to her, and for how Homelander is threatened her. In a brief clip of the trailer, it even appears that he grabs her by the neck and slams her into a wall.
Would there be anything more satisfying than seeing these two work together to bring him down? Billy should get over his supe prejudice and induct Starlight into the Boys, ASAP.
3 Don't Want: Maeve To Keep Helping The Seven
Maeve has expressed some serious discomfort with the Seven and their ways, particularly Homelander. She seems to have started out like Starlight and hardened over the years as the Seven and Vought have really moulded her into someone cold and uncaring. But the old Queen Maeve is in there somewhere—we've seen it. She should drop the new-found ice and help Starlight, because she knows it's the right thing to do.
2 Do Want: Vought International To Be Under Heavy Scrutiny
Vought have avoided facing the consequences when it comes to Compound V and what they've been doing to actually create supes, but if there isn't a looming threat of their downfall over this season, we'd be shocked. Not only is it just plain realistic to include this element, but it'll create a sense of desperation that could fuel many other plot points. People do crazy things when desperate, and if the Seven as threatened with their downfall, you can be sure it's going to push Homelander to pull some extreme stunts that will make for excellent viewing.
1 Don't Want: SO Many Possible Deaths
The Boys is known for being happy to shock people but there are so many people we don't want to die: Billy Butcher; Hughie; Starlight; Maeve; even Homelander, because he's just too interesting. It seems we'll probably lose a few in the war between the Supes and the Boys at this point because they're going hard, but could we keep our favorites, please?