Over four years since the release of the acclaimed Mad Max: Fury Road, filmmaker George Miller is poised to finally begin active development on a follow-up to the iconic, post-apocalyptic franchise.
Miller revealed he has already begun working on a fifth Mad Max film, with Miller comparing his work on the sequel as its own "creative holiday" from preproduction on his upcoming project, Three Thousand Years of Longing.
"I’m not done with the Mad Max story and I think you have to be a multi-tasker and there’s certainly another Mad Max coming down the pike after this," confirmed Miller in an interview with Deadline. "We’re in preparation on that as well. It’s an interesting question, the idea of multi-tasking. I discuss this with other filmmakers and I think what happens to me is that when you’re working on one thing, and you get so distracted and focused on that one thing, it’s like a creative holiday to focus on the other one for a bit. It helps you achieve that objectivity, to look at the thing afresh each time and say, I thought I was doing this, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now."
Discussion over Mad Max's cinematic future has begun on-and-off since the 2015 premiere of Fury Road and its subsequent critical and commercial success. This past summer, Miller revealed he planned to develop two more films centered on the post-apocalyptic hero of the wastelands, as well as a spinoff film focused on Charlize Theron's Fury Road character Furiosa. Miller noted that he was awaiting the conclusion of a lawsuit filed in 2017 against WarnerMedia alleging unpaid funds due to Fury Road's commercial performance before proceeding with active development. While it is unknown if the lawsuit has been resolved, both parties have publicly expressed they are still eager to work together again to develop additional Mad Max films.