Renowned comics artist Jorge Fornés recently revealed his tribute to Frank Miller's Daredevil run within the pages of Tom King's Batman #84.
On his Twitter account, Fornés wrote, "[It] is not a secret that one of my biggest influences and favourite creators is Frank Miller, when I read this page of Tom’s script, one of the best stories created for this medium came to mind immediately, and the perfect chance to make my little tribute..."Roulette.”
In Fornés' panels, readers see Batman pointing a gun towards Catwoman as the two face off. The Bat pulls the trigger on the Cat, but the outcome is a mystery. Fornés' panels follow a similar sequence and look to Miller's.
His homage to Miller is another example of comics' continued influence over from one generation of artists to the next.
For King's Batman run, Fornés not only illustrated Batman #84, but Batman #66, Batman #72 and Batman Annual #4 as well. He also illustrates Chip Zdarsky's the Daredevil series for Marvel Comics.
Written by Tom King and illustrated by Jorge Fornés, Batman #84 is now on sale from DC Comics.