JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a very popular anime that is based on the manga of the same name by Hirohiko Araki. The series follows the adventures of the members of Joestar Family. Each part of the series is filled with plenty of drama and excitement. Due to its unique art style, the series has attracted a lot of fans.
The fights in JJBA are something else. Some of the fights are filled with emotions, and others are just full of crazy punching and battle cries. There are many great fights in the series and it is actually very difficult to choose just 10. In this post, we are going to rank the best 10 fights in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
10 Giorno Giovanna Vs Diavolo
Giorno Giovanna is the main protagonist of JJBA: Golden Wind. He possesses the strongest stand in the entire JoJo franchise. Giorno's stand is Gold Experience Requiem. Originally, Giorno's stand wasn't so powerful that it could take down Diavolo. But, he took his stand to the next level by piercing it with the arrow. Diavolo is the main antagonist of Part 5. His stand is King Crimson, which is among the highest tier when it comes to power. The fight between them holds a lot of significance as this fight brought an end to Diavolo's reign as the boss of Passione.
9 Jotaro Kujo Vs Kira Yoshikage
Mr. I Have The Same Stand As You is one of my personal favorites. Many people would argue that Jotaro in Part 3 is the best Jotaro, however, he actually gets proper character development in the other parts especially Part 4. Jotaro actually improves a lot as a character and it is really amazing to watch. Mr. I Love Your Hands and Mr. I Have The Same Stand As You had a brief tussle in Part 4. Jotaro was badly wounded from his fight against Sheer Heart Attack, but Jotaro being Jotaro decided to step up when it mattered. Jotaro punched Kira (like he always does) and he left him with an ugly face.
8 Guido Mista, Giorno Giovanna Vs Ghiaccio
This is one of the coolest fights in Part 5. Giorno and Mista are best friends without a doubt and what could be better than the two of them teaming up to fight an antagonist. Ghiaccio was no pushover and it required a lot of effort to actually hurt him. Ghiaccio's stand White Album forms an armor around his body unlike most stands that appear like separately.
White Album is a dangerous stand that is capable of freezing objects to Absolute Zero. Mista suffered countless injuries in the fight. However, the combined efforts of the two were enough to overwhelm Ghiaccio.
7 Jotaro Kujo Vs D'arby
This is one of the few fights in which Jotaro doesn't just punch his opponent. After Polnareff and Joseph lost to D'arby, Jotaro knew he needed to be serious. This fight was incredible. It had high stakes and you could feel the pressure that was coming from the intense fight. In the end, Jotaro managed to bluff his way out and beat D'arby.
6 Josuke Higashikata Vs Kira Yoshikage
Josuke is the main protagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable. Josuke looks like a regular high schooler with a disastrous haircut (jk). Josuke's stand is Crazy Diamond and it is a very unique stand. Josuke's stand gives him the power to heal everyone. It is a nice ability considering most of the other stands just have abilities to harm others. Josuke's fight with Kira showed his determination to save Morioh. Even after Josuke defeated Kira, he didn't kill him. It shows that Josuke strongly adheres to his principles of not killing anyone.
5 Giorno Giovanna Vs Cioccolata
Every JoJo fan should be thankful to David Productions for making this fight absolutely stunning in the anime. The fight between the two held a lot of significance. Cioccolata's Green Day would have wiped out everyone in Rome and thus, it would have put an end to Giorno's pursuit of the Boss.
However, Giorno had to protect his dream. Giorno Took matters into his own hands and then there was just "Muda Muda" until Cioccolata lay dead.
4 Jotaro Kujo Vs DIO
Jotaro vs DIO is undoubtedly one of the most iconic fights in not just JoJo, but in entire anime history. After traveling for months, Jotaro finally came face to face with the person, who had been haunting the Joestar Family. Joseph's death had made it much more interesting and emotional. His death moved even Jotaro, who usually doesn't display emotions. The fight could have been much better if Jotaro didn't pull out the "I have the same stand as you" thing. This conclusion was a huge letdown for me, but it was an enjoyable fight nonetheless.
3 Risotto Nero Vs Doppio
Many people might be surprised to see this fight ranking so high, but it has been overlooked a lot. The fight involved Risotto Nero, who was the leader of the Hitman Team, and Doppio, Diavolo's alter ego. Risotto Nero's Metallica, is a unique stand. It is a colony stand that is capable of using magnetism. It is a very lethal stand and it made Risotto one of the best serial killers. Doppio wasn't lacking behind when it came to stand power as he could use King Crimson's Epitaph. Epitaph allowed Doppio to look into the future. Nero dominated the fight for the most part, but Doppio was cunning as he used his loss of blood to his advantage. Risotto was shot by Narancia's Aerosmith.
2 Iggy And Polnareff Vs Vanilla Ice
There are few fights in JoJo that match the quality of this fight. It is one of the most emotional fights that I have seen. Iggy and Polnareff weren't the best of mates, but they banded together to beat a big threat in Vanilla Ice. Iggy and Polnareff were struggling to land a hit on Vanilla Ice. Many times during the fight, it seemed that Iggy and Polnareff would finally come out on top. Iggy ended up sacrificing his life to save Polnareff despite their differences. It was astonishing to see and in the end, Polnareff did manage to beat Vanilla Ice.
1 Joseph Joestar Vs Wamuu
At the top of the list is the fight between Joseph Joestar and Wamuu, one of the pillar men. The fight was the best thing about Battle Tendency. It really is a shame that Joseph vs Wamuu wasn't the final fight in Part 2. It would have been so much better if that had happened. It was a battle between two strong fighters who respected each other's strength. In the end, Joseph managed to outsmart Wamuu and claimed the victory.