The world of Dragon Ball is full of an endless supply of iconic special techniques that everyone loves to scream at the top of their lungs. This well of moves definitely has its fill of gold and stinkers but one move really stands out and reappears many times across the series's vast history.
No, not the Kamehameha wave! The move we're talking about is Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade, a move that really showcases Piccolo's battle tactic prowess. While this move is cool to look at and 'hella' creative there are definitely moves that make it look like baby's first special move. Then again there are also moves that Hellzone Grenade absolutely shadows, as its one of the most useful techniques. Let's take a list at a few moves from both sides with this list.
The scattering bullet is basically Hellzone Grenade lite. This move much like Hellzone Grenade is simply a barrage of bullet-like ki blasts used in a very creative way. This move was originally used by Krillin in the fight against the Saibamen.
This move is performed by shooting a ki ball into the sky and once the user wills it, the ball is split into a barrage of ki blasts that rain down on the targets. While it had its use on the weak Saibamen, it's to be assumed that this primitive version of Hellzone is nowhere near as strong as its superior.
The infamous move that Tien Shinhan is known for. Taught to him by Crane Hermit Master Shen, the Tribeam is a very strong move that is known for its overwhelming power and its peculiar diamond shape. To use this move Tien puts his hands together in a triangular formation, focuses on the target and lets his ki rip.
The downside to this amazing move is the life draining properties that accompany it but the upside is that it's so powerful it can even slow down an enemy as strong as Cell. A feat a move like Hellzone Grenade could never hope to do.
It can be assumed that the Hellzone Grenade is stronger than Trunks's signature Burning Attack. While Trunks's special move is very iconic and very badass it has nothing on Hellzone Grenade.
The reasoning behind this is the fact that Trunks's move is simply a high-powered energy sphere while Hellzone Grenade takes energy that either is greater than or equal to that move and multiplies it then envelopes his opponent inside. The way Trunks' move whiffed on Frieza and caused no damage to the surrounding area speaks on its strength as well.
Final Flash made its debut when Vegeta decided he was going to "finish off" Cell. While the move ultimately didn't live up to its name it did effectively cut half of Cell's body off. This is a feat that Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade couldn't even hope to achieve on the best of days.
The proof is in the fact that it couldn't even dent Android 17 during their battle together. With that said, how could you expect it to even make Cell flinch? Well, the answer to that is very simple. You can't.
Another very duh moment. We all know Yamcha isn't the strongest of fighters but you have to admit during his prime Wolf Fang Fist was pretty badass. Heck, it's still a kind of badass special move, but the thing is it isn't doing any damage to any opponent past the original Dragon Ball anime.
In comparing a physical special move to a ki based moves usually, the results are very obvious. That's definitely the case in this comparison because Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade makes this special technique look like baby slaps.
When Hellzone Grenade was introduced in the Piccolo vs Android 17 battle this was the move 17 used to directly counter it. The Hellzone Grenade's startup may have fooled 17 at first but his superior reaction skills allowed him to use his move android barrier just in time.
Android Barrier envelops the user and protects them from oncoming attacks. When Android 17 used it to stop Hellzone Grenade he proved just how powerful it is and how flawed the Hellzone Grenade truly was. However, as we'll see later on in the list this move isn't completely flawless.
A move that was created by Piccolo but adopted by Gohan and Future Trunks. The term Masenko translates to "Demon's Flash of Light" and it is one of the most well known special techniques in the series.
Sadly as badass as the name is, this move has nothing on the Hellzone Grenade. While the Hellzone Grenade did no damage to Android 17 this move did even less in the future timeline during the battle against the androids. 17 was hit by this move multiple times by both Gohan and Trunks and felt no need to freat.
Power Impact is the signature move of the Universe 11 star player, Jiren the Gray. It takes the form of a read energy blast that is simply released from the palm much like the average ki blast. This energy sphere's direction may also be changed even after release, should the user will it.
We all know even a sneeze from Jiren is stronger than Hellzone Grenade but this move is special due to how it depleted the energy from Android 17's improved Android Barrier with the greatest of ease. Something Hellzone Grenade couldn't even do to a weaker 17's barrier.
The weaker of Piccolo's two grenade namesake special moves. This move is done by Piccolo putting both his hands together and creating a powerful yellow energy ball. He pushes both his hands forward palms open and unleashes a great burst of ki.
Piccolo uses this blast on Cell's first form and the move doesn't even leave a scratch on him. This move was utilized by Piccolo before his fusion with Kami so his energy wasn't even near the level it was when Hellzone Grenade was used. It can be concluded that Hellzone is the stronger of the two grenades.
Now that we've looked at a move from Piccolo that's weaker than his Hellzone Grenade let's look at one of his moves that's much stronger. Special Beam Cannon is a move that can completely tear a hole into the body of any opponent with one touch.
This makes it one of the most deadly moves in the Dragon Ball series when it is actually allowed to land. The downside to this move is the same as the Hellzone's weakness. They both have a very slow and telegraphed startup time. While they both have their ups however it seems like the Special Beam canon is much stronger due to its sheer kill power.