While many alien heroes and villains have come to Earth over the years in DC Comics, one of the things that has evolved over the years has been the exploration of alien planets in the DC Universe. Even expanding into the multiverse, these alien worlds have been home to some of the most powerful heroes and villains known to the DC Universe.
From the homeworlds of Starfire, Brainiac and more, these alien worlds are teeming with powerful beings and artifacts that have helped shape the DC Universe overall. Let’s take a look at the ten most powerful alien worlds in DC Comics.
10 Tamaran
The first alien world to visit that boasts a great deal of power and influence on the DC Universe has to be Tamaran. The home world of the legendary Teen Titan and hero Starfire, the world is home to the Tamaraneans, gold-skinned and green-eyed humanoids who descended from feline-like ancestors.
Worshippers of the goddess X’Hal, Tamaraneans have the power to convert ultraviolet radiation into energy that gives them the power of flight and are ruled by their emotions. They are renowned warriors and both Starfire and her sister Blackfire developed energy bolt powers as a result of experimentation by the Psions.
9 Qward
A popular world especially within the early days DC Universe has to be Qward. This world is unique in that it was created by one of the Guardians of the Universe, Krona. This Guardian sought to see the origin of the universe, and in the process disrupted the process of cosmic creation, resulting in the Anti-Matter universe.
Qward is the anti-matter version of Oa, as are their rulers, the Weaponers of Qward. Once ruled by the Anti-Monitor, the planet has been home to the Crime Syndicate, Sinestro and others from the Anti-Matter universe.
8 Warworld
One well-known planet that has the capacity to destroy the Earth and her heroes has to be Warworld. Infamously associated with iconic Superman and DC villain Mongul, Warworld was a massive planet-sized weapon created by the Warzoons, who mysteriously passed on after completion of the station.
Hidden for years by various alien races, the key to the station finally ended up in the hands of the Martians. Mongul attacked Superman and his three allies, and despite help from the Martian Manhunter Mongul took control of Warworld. However, the chair controlling the station taxed the user mentally, and sent Mongul into an unconscious state.
7 Daxam
One planet that has a deep connection to the lost world of Krypton was Daxam. Originally founded by an off-shoot of the Kryptonians, the people of Daxam, known as Daxamites, are by nature isolationists and xenophobic in nature. They blamed aliens for the suffering they’d endured over their time on Daxam. Becoming a semi-religious government order, Daxamites are unique in that the Eradicator changed their artificial birthing wombs to make them vulnerable to lead rather than Kryptonite.
Able to gain power while exposed to yellow sunlight much like Kryptonians, the Daxam people include one well-known hero, Mon-El, otherwise known as Lar-Gand, a member of the Daxam royal family.
6 Mogo
Some of the planets in the DC Universe are actually sentient beings, living and thinking for themselves. One example of this is Mogo, a member of the Green Lantern Corps and a genderless sentient world.
The powerful sentient planet and Green Lantern originally was very secluded and didn’t socialize with the other Lanterns. Arranging it’s foliage on the surface of the planet to resemble the Green Lantern symbol, it later became crucial to the Green Lantern Corps, even replacing Oa as the Corps base of operations in the Rebirth era.
5 Thanagar
One iconic planet that has become central to many conflicts in the DC Universe has to be Thanagar. Once a peaceful planet, Thanagar is an advanced planet of science and technology, that remained peaceful until a group of criminals known as Manhawks invaded the planet and introduced crime to the world.
Home to Hawkman and Hawkgirl, the planet’s inhabitants are the Thanagarians, who since the Post-Crisis era have become an expansionist society, invading and ruling planets and making the planets outposts. With floating cities becoming home to nobility and leaving the planet to lower classes, Thanagar has a very complex history of trying to invade the Earth.
4 Colu
One of the planets that is home to one of the DC Universe’s greatest threats has to be Colu, the homeworld of the legendary Brainiac. With 99% of the citizens of this world residing in large cities on the temperate planet, Colu is home to the Coluans, who are renowned for having at least an 8th level intellect. Which, trust us, is insanely smart.
Due to a genetic mutation, the Coluan family known as the Dox Family have 12th level intellects and unusually long lifespans of at least 500 years. Ruled by the Computer Tyrants, these hyper-intelligent beings have greatly impacted the DC Universe.
3 Oa
When one thinks of powerful planets in the DC Universe, most fans of the DC Comics universe would imagine the homeworld of the Guardians of the Universe, Oa, to be in the top three powerful planets of that universe. Homeworld of the Green Lantern Corps created by the Guardians of the Universe, Oa is home to the Green Lantern Central Battery.
The planet itself is mostly a desert planet, with the majority of the planet’s power and inhabitants residing in the city the Guardians created to house the Central Power Battery. Later, when Oa was abandoned, a Guardian created a mosaic of cities on the planet similar to Marvel Comic’s Battleworld.
2 Apokolips
One of the more terrifying and cruel worlds filled with power in the DC Universe has to be Apokolips. This world is run by constant war and battle and filled with great fire pits and never-ending pain for many of its inhabitants. Apokolips is notorious for being ruled by the fearsome villain Darkseid.
A powerful foe and New God, Darkseid uses his fearsome appearance, power and especially his deadly Omega Beams to rule his planet. He uses a great army and technology to launch attacks around the universe, searching for the Anti-Life equation to help him rule the universe.
1 New Genesis
The most powerful planet in the universe is New Genesis. Home to the majority of the New Gods, the planet, alongside its counterpart Apokolips, was born from the destruction of the home of the Old Gods, Urgrund. Ruled by New God leader Highfather, the homeworld is a well-known paradise, with the New Gods, or immortal beings, living in a floating city called Supertown.
The surface of the planet is inhabited by beings known as Bugs, who are looked down upon by many of the New Gods who consider them lesser beings. The planet is home to heroes like Orion and Mister Miracle.