The ultimate crossover in modern comics history has reached the small screen. The Arrowverse's version of Crisis on Infinite Earths traverses the Multiverse to visit alternate versions of the big blue marble that haven't been seen before in a live-action format. It's for fans of the CW's superhero series and a reunion for supporters of Smallville, the '90s Flash live-action show, and every animated version of Batman voiced by Kevin Conroy.
Unfortunately, this version of Crisis isn't 12-issues with dozens of crossovers. This is only a multiple-night event, so the Arrowverse heroes can't visit every alternate Earth out there. However, we can make a wish over our Miracle Machines that they visit at least one of these Earths. Here are 10 alternate Earths we wish they would visit.
10 Earth-1966 (Live-Action TV Batman Universe)

While not listed as an alternate by DC Comics, there has to be an Earth somewhere in the multiverse where the 1966 live-action versions of Batman and Robin exist. They have to, or else the two animated movies they starred in wouldn't exist.
Earth-1966 wouldn't be the scene of a battlefield. Rather, it would be a respite for Team Arrow. They could stop at Wayne Manor for tea with Aunt Harriet. Then, they could try their hand at climbing the exterior walls of apartment buildings to meet various famous faces from the show. Finally, they could finish up their trip by meeting the Green Hornet and Kato. Really, it would be like an amusement park for the team.
9 Earth-616 (Marvel Universe)

Sure, what the heck. Total chaos is breaking out in Team Arrow's multiverse, so why not take a side trip to Marvel's Earth. First, according to JLA vs. Avengers, it's smaller than their own planet, so it might be easier to navigate. Second, subtract the superheroes and world-conquering aliens, and it's like our own rock. So, you know, In-n-Out Burger.
In addition to this, Team Arrow could strengthen its position against the Anti-Monitor. Grab Captain America for the leadership role, Quicksilver to help Flash destroy the anti-matter cannon, and Squirrel Girl to be the motivational speaker. That, and she can collect acorns just in case everyone needs food after the multiverse is destroyed.
8 Earth-21 (New Frontier Universe)

Face it, Team Arrow is old. They've been around the block and, frankly, they're tired. It's time for new blood to help them stave off the Crisis. So, it's best to pull fresh and powerful blood for new heroes.
Actually, older heroes who were fresh as daisies in the New Frontier universe. People like Flash, Martian Manhunter, and a Superman that isn't old and cranky. Plus, Arrow can examine his Earth-21 counterpart to see what he would look like with a clean-shaven face. That might be the scariest part of the entire visit.
7 Earth 23 (President Superman Universe)

We live in a world that craves diversity in politics, sports, entertainment, and mud wrestling. We also want to see this in our superheroes. To be honest, Team Arrow is somewhat...er...plain. That's why a trip to Earth-23 is required.
This is the home to Calvin Ellis - a Kryptonian/African -American Superman as well as U.S. President. His Justice League is not only more racially diverse but, in some cases, more powerful. It's certainly a place for Team Arrow to power up. Plus, when Anti-Monitor sees the diversity he may turn off the anti-matter cannon, exclaim, "See? All I wanted is some more diversity," and invite everyone to Dairy Queen.
6 Earth 32 (Justice Titans Universe)

It's great that Team Arrow can load up heroes from alternate Earths. Unfortunately, there are only so many seats on the bus, even when they remove the bathroom. Perhaps it's time to combine some heroes. Flash can use his speed to sew a few together, but that might get messy, especially if Firestorm explodes.
So, a visit to Earth 32 is advised. This is home to the Justice Titans, a quintet of heroes with combined powers. For instance, Bat-Lantern has the intelligence of Batman and Power Ring of Green Lantern. Super-Martian is Martian Manhunter plus Superman. That's some power right there. The only one they shouldn't bring is Bouncing Creeper, a combination of Bouncing Boy and The Creeper. He's just weird.
5 Earth 44 (Metal League Universe)

Robots will eventually rule the Earth, right after they defeat the apes. So, it's probably a good idea for Team Arrow to visit Earth 44 and recruit members of the Metal League to help them in the Crisis. Then the robots will treat them with respect after they make all other humans their slaves.
Inspired by comic book heroes of his childhood, Will 'Doc' Tornado creates robotic versions of them. They include Iron Batman, Mercury Flash, and Gold Superman. Plus, there's a Lead Green Arrow who is a bit bulkier than his Team Arrow counterpart. In fact, he could probably crush Ollie's skinny butt with one step.
4 Earth-1973 (Super Friends Universe)

Team Arrow needs these heroes. They're iconic personalities with powers beyond mortal men. They fly, talk to fish, and have their own narrator who tells them when they're back at the Hall of Justice. Plus, they have teenage sidekicks eager to get into a fight.
Basically, the Super Friends are first-line fodder for Team Arrow. During the first season of their Saturday-morning show, these heroes did more talking than fighting. Overall, Arrow and his allies can use them to determine the power levels of the Anti-Monitor. If not certain, they'll add the 1960s Marvel Super Heroes characters to the front of the line. They barely move, so Team Arrow can get good readings.
3 Earth-2020 (Multiple Superman Universe)

Three generations of Superman? Heck, yeah, Team Arrow needs to visit this Earth. You have Kal, his son Jorel, and his grandson Kalel. That's triple the invulnerability, strength, and good looks in one family.
Yes, the power is somewhat diluted as both Jorel and Kalel were born to a Kryptonian and a human. Nevertheless, a portion of yellow sun power is better than none at all. Plus, considering there are no images of a Superman battling alongside Team Arrow, a Man of Steel is needed. Isn't that how the Anti-Monitor was killed in the comic version of Crisis? Whoops, ruined the spoiler.
2 Earth-387 (Hairy Universe)

For the most part, there is nothing different between this Earth and the ones the heroes Team Arrow live on. History flows the same on all of them. The Seinfeld finale was panned by critics and fans across the board. In other words, nary a change. Oh, well, everyone on Earth-387 is a werewolf.
But, that's it. Does it matter that Supergirl, Arrow, and Flash are werewolves? Even Robert Pattison is a werewolf in the Twilight movies. A telepathic vampire-werewolf, but a lycanthrope nonetheless. Maybe, with enough of these hairy heroes, Team Arrow can defeat the Anti-Monitor due to his dog allergies.
1 Earth 36 (Captain Carrot Universe)

Two words: Cartoon Physics. As seen in Multiversity, you step on Captain Carrot and he doesn't die. Rather, he just flattens into a rabbit pancake and reforms. Cut his head off, and someone can put it back on without needless surgery.
Team Arrow needs this for their fight with the Anti-Monitor. If not for the good Carrot and his Zoo Crew, then for all the Acme explosives. Those things work when they're not even lit. Seriously, there fighting someone with anti-matter. They need all the help they can get.