Ouran High School Host Club is a Shoujo anime based on the manga by Bisco Hatori. It traces the story of Haruhi Fujioka who gets admission into the elitist Ouran High School. One day she accidentally opens the door to Music Room #3, where the Host Club operates. Haruhi breaks a rather expensive vase of the club by accident, she asked to pay off their debt becoming an errand boy.
Ouran High School Host Club is just as elitist in purpose: a club of boys who entertain female students of the school by cosplays, food, and shenanigans. In a short span of time, the girl Haruhi rises through the ranks of an all-boys club and becomes a full-time host.
Ouran High School Host Club prides itself to be quirkiest and funniest anime of all time. The characters make up for the lack of story in the anime. As you analyze the hosts, many many surprising character details pop up. Here are ten details that you may not notice about the members at first.
The fact that Haruhi is a girl takes everyone by surprise in the series. But that's where the appeal of her character lies, the shock value doubles the anime shenanigans. Described in the flashbacks as a pretty, feminine middle-school girl, she cuts her hair short just before she enters high school.
Haruhi does this because she accidentally gets gum stuck in her hair, not because she wants to deliberately sport a boyish look. The same goes for Haruhi's clothes. She wears baggy clothes because she's unable to afford the posh Ouran uniform. Makes one think, what is the purpose of uniform, anyway?
Haruhi has a red color rose in the Host Club. The red rose has come to be synonymous with romance, true love or beauty in general. In Japanese culture, red rose can be taken as a symbol of life and romance. This symbolism aptly fits in with Haruhi's character. In other cultures, the red rose is often analogous with beauty. Haruhi's beauty is thoroughly praised in the show by hosts. All in all, red rose symbolism fits her well.
Mori is the handsome hunk of the Host Club, tall with a deep baritone. He's also the strongest guy in the team. But that doesn't shy away from the fact that Mori is a thorough gentleman. Haruki constantly runs up to him in times of distress. Obvious qualities aside, Mori is an able swords master. Although audiences' haven't had a good look at his swordsmanship. Mori is a kendo champion and does swing occasionally.
Honey is a cousin to Mori and always accompanies him. His appearance is more deceptive than anyone else in the anime. For starters, Honey hasn't aged well, so he appears to be the youngest-looking of the group. The shocking fact, however, is that Honey is the oldest member of the group. Besides, he's a black belt and pretty much capable of kicking everyone's butt.
Physical manifestation aside, Honey acts like a dork most of the time but that's entirely misleading since he is one of the most intelligent people in the group. Honey is, in fact, a man child, who just appears cute on the outside. He's the first one to deduce that Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru have feelings for Haruhi.
Despite her underprivileged upbringing, Haruhi seems most witty of all the hosts. She maintains gender neutrality within the anime. According to Haruhi, gender shouldn't determine a person's choices. Because she comes from a humble background, she reflects more responsibility within the Host Club. The most remarkable trait of hers is how unaffected she is while standing amidst the most desirable boys of the school.
The creator of the Host Club Tamaki fits the usual description: charming, suave, sexy, posh and rich. He may have had a life of privileges, but he's a hard worker, to say the least. Tamaki is thoroughly committed to discharging the duties of the Club. It's a nonnegotiable fact that inside Tamaki resides the usual posh traits such as flamboyance and flattery. But he's isn't the usual rich snob that you come across. Tamaki is a goofball at heart and often displays childish behavior.
Tamaki is everywhere in the show. From creating the club to leading it. He thinks of himself as the big brother of the club. It is his hyperactive personality that convinces you that he may have ADHD after all. Tamaki exhibits the usual ADHD symptoms such as excitability, hyperactivity, lack of restraint and short attention span.
Although the anime never caters to this doubt, it's fairly obvious. Given how Tamaki shifts behaviour and scares the Lord out his mates at times, his emotional bouts are case in point of ADHD.
The most fascinating character development has been given to Kyoya Ootori, the vice-president of the Host Club. He's the De-facto ruler of the club. Kyoya operates behind the scenes, living every bit to his moniker 'Shadow King'. Although it looks like Tamaki rules the club, that's just on paper. In practice, Kyoya calls the shots. His intelligence and wits are an added asset.
Kyoya's character however by the end is transformed from a staunch believer of patriarchy to a true humanist and rationalist. Under Tamaki's influence, he gets rid of his patriarchal philosophy and sees the brighter side of things.
Kyoyo is always schmoozing up to his father, the patriarch of the Ootori family, Yoshio. If you look at the bigger picture, it tells you Kyoya is shrewd and cold-bloodedly calculative, so it's no big deal. But that hardly seems the case upon an analysis.
Poor Kyoya grew up with a negligent father. Yoshio Ootari is an epitome of a bad father, from slapping his son in public to disapproving his life choices. It's apparent that Kyoya feels the need to win his father's approval at all times. Being the third in the line of succession only worsens Kyoya's case. From there stems his need to constantly please his father.
Kaoru and Hikaru Hitachiin are the two Gemini twins of the Club. Kaoru being the young brother and Hikaru, the older. Both the twins exhibit stunted social skills. The primary reason behind this is that they haven't known and interacted with many people outside of Host Club and amongst themselves. Their parents also fail to give them an adequate amount of time. As a result, they feel constantly neglected.
But one of the most Heartbreaking reasons is that no one can tell Kaoru and Hikaru apart, right from their thieving nanny to their classmates. Therefore they fall into a trap of identity crisis, mutual dependency, and anti-social behavior.