Earlier this year, the English dub of Dragon Ball Super, the latest anime series in Akira Toriyama's perennially popular Dragon Ball franchise finally came to an end, with its original Japanese incarnation ending last year. For the first time in several years, there are no new episodes of the long-running anime franchise airing anywhere in the world, leaving fans clamor for additional adventures for Goku and the Z Fighters as they defend the universe from escalating new threats. However, given the enduring popularity of the franchise it is only a matter of time before a new anime series or animated film debuts, continuing the fan-favorite characters' exploits.
Fortunately, the ending of Super and its sequel animated film Dragon Ball Super: Broly has left plenty of potential avenues for the franchise to go next, from an adaptation of the continuing manga series that has gone far beyond the story of its anime counterpart, incorporating elements of the popular Japanese arcade game Dragon Ball Heroes or even having Toriyama develop brand-new stories and characters altogether for an entirely unexplored possibilities for the franchise beyond Super's anime conclusion.
Check out the video below for extensive details on all the potential routes for the long-running anime franchise to take next following the conclusion of Dragon Ball Super.
Following the runaway, worldwide success of Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, producer Norihiro Hayashida has confirmed there are early, tentative plans for the franchise to continue without divulging the specifics on story or timetable when such new projects could be formally announced. With the franchise continuing to expand with new video games and other multimedia regularly, it is unlikely that the anime component of the franchise will stay dormant for long, practically guaranteeing fans will see Goku and his friends in action once again as increasingly stronger opponents take them on in the future.
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