The One Piece manga started running in 1997 and since then it's stolen the hearts of readers and anime viewers everywhere. With 34 arcs and not one dropping the ball there's no wonder this series has been at the top of the charts so long. However, with so many chapters comes a lot of outfits in One Piece's case as the main characters usually like to spice things up from arc to arc.
One of the characters at the forefront of this is Nami, a navigator that just can't keep her mind off of Beli and herself in one outfit. In fact, at this point there are probably more outfits Nami's been in and out of than there are One Piece fan theories. Some that are perfect and some that The Marines should have her locked up for being seen in.
This outfit isn't too horrible on Nami but compared to her best outfits it's pretty drab. The visual design is just boring and somewhat thrown together. It could be that the top would just look better as a normal full shirt and the washed-out color scheme could be toned up a bit.
This seems pretty nitpicky but it's got to be a sin to not be dressed your best in the presence of Sogeking. Just chalk it up to everyone having fashion ups and downs. At least she made up for it by defeating Kalifa.
There is no way to have a favorite Nami outfits list and not include her original outfit. This getup just screams nostalgia and looking it envokes so many emotions that you can't help but love it. There's just something very simple and great that Oda nailed when dressing this character for her first appearance.
We see Nami in this outfit in the Orange Town and Syrup village arcs and it was truly a treat to see her charm burst through her outfit since the day she was introduced. Makes you wonder how she'd look in this outfit nowadays.
While everyone was running around Loguetown before being rudely interrupted by a whole series of wild events, Nami decided to go try on some different outfits. This first outfit she tried on really stands out as not too horrible but something that doesn't really fit Nami. After she walked out without purchasing anything she even said so.
Yeah, it was on screen for a few seconds but it's that bad, at least on Nami. Thankfully the actual outfit she dons in the arc after this is much more pleasing on the eyes, as many of Nami's outfits usually are.
During the twenty-eigth arc in the series following the defeat of Doflamingo the Straw Hat Crew moves on to Zou for a reunion with Sanji, but nothing ever goes as planned in One Piece.
After a whole mess of trouble, Nami makes a new friend in a canine mink of The Warrior Beast Tribe named Wanda. In a symbol of friendship Nami and Wanda exchange clothes with Wanda obtaining Nami's original Fish-Man Island timeskip outfit and Nami getting Wanda's treasured dress. Nami's first reaction to this extravagant dress really sums it all up. "This looks really grand." This outfit is really one that suits Nami. Grand, powerful, and very expensive.
In the sixth One Piece TV Special "Episode of Luffy", Nami is wearing another new outfit as the characters usually do for TV Specials and films but this one is pretty bad. A nice crop top turtleneck sweater that actually looks really good on her.
The issue comes in with the weird patterned skirt that just really doesn't fit the look all together and it's a shame too because Nami looks really good in that sweater, especially with the cute hairstyle to top it off. It just feels like this fit was a big missed opportunity, and that's what makes it so bad.
A very simple but effective outfit for everyone's favorite navigator. Here we see Nami in a dark blue button-up collared shirt with a sky blue tie and a relatively average skirt. It's a really good look for her and kind of gives off a cute and innocent but powerful vibe as her outfits usually do. This is one of the best outfits when it comes to letting the attire speak for the character as you can perfectly see Nami's personality from before the timeskip shines in the best way from the cloth.
It seems like the movie and TV Special outfits are very hit or miss when it comes to One Piece and this outfit exclusive to the TV Special "Heart of Gold" is no exception. This outfit does have its good points as it's kind of sexy but that's all it is sexy, in a really goofy way.
The camo hat and pants combination is really awesome and looks great on Nami but that's all there is to this outfit. In all honesty, it feels really thrown together for the sake of fanservice.... Wait that's exactly why it was made isn't it?
Definitely one of Nami's most fun and memorable looks hands down. This is honestly another outfit that just works for Nami and the colors really coordinate with her and her demeanor throughout this arc. However, one of the really big reasons this outfit is so loved is because a lot happened with Nami while wearing these garbs, namely her first solo fight featuring Miss Doublefinger and her first real use of the Clima-Tact. The fit really feels like an extension of her character in more ways than one and that's something that really makes a great outfit in a series like this.
In the twelfth One Piece film features a huge war-like battle and what's a battle of this magnitude without a fanservice army-inspired outfit for Nami. Much like the last outfit on the list, this one really feels thrown together. It's basically a skirt and crop top with a bunch of weapons and pouches thrown into the equation. Looks kind of like something Rob Liefield would design. And no that is definitely not a compliment in the slightest.
If a bit more thought, effort, and character went into this design it could really be something special, but as is it's a bit boring and very uninspired.
During an arc with so many great outfit changes for Nami it was really hard to pick which was best for the list. However, when you look at this outfit it really defines everything the character is about. A simple cute and sexy sweater that looks very powerful on her accompanied by a simple belt with bullets attached. Let's not forget her favorite symbol in the world being the buckle of the ensemble!
It really feels like simple but effective was the best formula through and through when it comes to Nami and it's looking like that's been continuing currently and we're just as excited to see more outfits as we are more fights in Wano. Let's hope her costumes take more inspiration from this formula moving forward!